My professionals and personnals achievements in the web

Because the web is rich and specific demands are constantly emerging.

Screensavers, remote administration of Ipads

Custom projects+
sivantos emailing show qrcode
groupama scratch game
custom projects screensaver eni
eni ipad locked
aguettant video apokinon
eni training support

Understand the client’s universe, study the competitors, collect the company’s wishes, determine the content, its layout, and use all of this to create the unique graphics that will hit the mark for both the client and the user.

Sixty managed projects is equivalent to around sixty supervised graphics, in addition to some projects that were only graphic direction.

Graphic direction+
aguettant laboratories graphism
lafont clothes graphism
woonoz voltaire project
graphism management for showcase websites
prestashop e-shop graphism
direction graphique des sites framework symfony

The web app is halfway between the usual site and the smartphone app, it provides information, is manageable, but has very advanced ergonomics.

Currently two web apps developed, it is the future.

Web apps+

Set up an additional income for companies that already have a place of sale, or go completely into online sales.

Eight online store websites, under Prestashop and exceptionally under Symfony3.

astem digital dental products
le casque bleu eshop prestashop
collection azur e-shop prestashop
transcocasse e-shop prestashop

Or how to have fun doing exactly what you want using a solid framework.

About twenty custom sites created using Symfony4, 3 and 2.

Custom website+
LogisDirect, site d'annonces immobilières en Symfony3
isalis real estate
ch saint joseph saint luc lyon hospital
operation eni gac 2016
neofeu safety products
eni and me
antarsia custom website symfony
logo group glasses
human ressources module ch saint-jospeh-saint-luc
my all-night drugstore custom website
suma cars offers
antarsia custom website v1

Project management, the heart of my job, a passion, rigor, moving forward to build a product.

More than 70 projects for sites, apps, graphics, managed to date, in a wide variety of fields, needs and purposes.

Project management+

The experience of laying out the company or the craftsman by understanding the spirit and the important points.

About 25 showcase sites created, under WordPress, Symfony2 and ModX.

Showcase website+
cap engineering website
ucp website wordpress
aguettantpf medical website
polyprofils wordpress website
komeo website reponsive parallax
proteo website showcase responsive parallax
clinique-de la main website wordpress
parfums de glaces website
assami website association
mobelec website modx