Create, this vital need

The more the time passes, the more I conceive my life in terms of creation and construction. My job, my relationships, my hobbies, the way I express myself, all is seen through this prism.

To the point it can become a problem. All that is not construction or progress doesn’t interests me. All that evolves through my actions passionates me, all that stagnates by the fault of others makes me turn away.

I have this visceral need of to move forward, always, to construct from the tiniest thing to the absolute

Writing - the best medium for my imagination

Write during eight hours, do not see the sun come, be somewhere else; live the scene, be surprised by characters actions, be enthusiastic by an outcome; feel the place, the atmosphere, the smells; make a break, two, three paragraphs of peace between the blows of the swords, a landscape from the walls dominating the ladders of the warriors, a breathe of wind in the mane of a steed, the foliage of a forest, the air of an unknown girl; under the grey sky and its rain; on ocher of the sands, on the pearly color of embrace.


Videos - Stories to walk around

Days of shootings and entire nights on the assembly; be inspired by a music and imagine the scenes; search for the good connection, the ideal set when the music kicks in; go back to shoot sets because it’s not perfectly what it must be, because we can do better, always do better; and do it again. A period in WoW, and before in short films in engineering and IUT.

Des journées à filmer et des nuits entières sur le montage ; être inspiré par une musique et imaginer les scènes; chercher à placer le bon raccord, le plan idéal à l’envolée de la mélodie ; retourner filmer car ce n’est pas parfaitement ce qu’il fallait, parce qu’on peut faire mieux, toujours faire mieux ; et recommencer. Une période issue de WoW, et précédemment des courts métrages en Ingé et IUT.


Comics and pictures - Take time

A slowest rythm, with more poetry than in other media.
